Bounce Architecture
Bounce has a successful Planning history with both large and small projects. And whilst the planning process can be frustrating, Bounce provides a full range of services to create highly functional and visually appealing spaces that meet the unique needs and preferences of our clients. We are committed to providing exceptional customer service and attention to detail throughout the entire design process, from initial consultation to that successful planning outcome and onto final construction and completion.
Prior to making Full Plan Applications it is highly advised to seek Pre Application first. This is an informal process between the client and your local PA and not open to the public. This determines the likelihood of any applications success and enables multiple proposals to be considered for the same site and at one time with many variations on design. It avoids costly delays when making a final Full Plan Application, greatly improving the likelihood of success as any potential issues are flagged in the Pre App process.
Creating ergonomic spaces that meet the needs and desires of clients is a fundamental aspect of the work. However, the process of designing such spaces goes beyond just fulfilling the client's wishes. It also involves considering the limitations of their budget and the practicality of the space within its intended function.
Bounce assists (in some instances) with retrospective Planning Applications.
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